Pine timber prices per acre. To treat pine tree fungus, prune off affected branches.
Pine timber prices per acre • Pine chip-n-saw approaches Summary. Under a traditional timber sale contract, the landowner would receive the stumpage, while the logger would receive the log price. An acre is 1/640 of a square mile, so 100 acres also equals about 0. The Arkansas Timber Price Report is a quarterly report of timber stumpage prices in Arkansas. Owner Harvest Timber Values. Aug 13, 2024 · ← Return to Timber Price Information and ContactsYard TreesWondering about the possibility of selling individual trees from your yard or small acreage tract? Read this first. Timber sales may be affected by many factors including: Jun 9, 2022 · Stumpage Price Trends: In the first quarter of 2022 (Q1’22), statewide pulpwood stumpage prices for both pine and hardwood continued an increasing trend that started in the second quarter of 2021 (Q2’21). 17/ton, which is a jump of 31% on a quarter-over-quarter basis and 34% on a year-over-year basis. These 2-year-old cones are female. Pine can yield between $1,500 and $3,000 per acre. There are 115 types of pine trees fou Assembling a timber frame kit can seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance and preparation, you can put together your structure like a true professional. 85 or 17. This is down from $3,270 per acre in 2018. Need help valuing the timber potential within your private native forest? We are here to help. It is commonly used for furniture, cabinets, and decorative veneers. These prices are averaged across the entire state per quarter. Price reports are available quarterly back to 1977. According to TimberMart-South, the state-wide average pine sawtimber prices in 2021 Q3 were about $30. Hardwoods : Hardwood timber, like oak, maple, and cherry, can sometimes fetch higher prices due to their use in furniture and flooring. Stumpage price data are reported for six timber product categories (pine sawtimber, chip-n-saw, and pulpwood, and oak sawtimber, mixed hardwood sawtimber, and pulpwood). This is equivalent to about . By 2004, commercial timber price reporting services were readily available in the market. With its vast network of rivers, lakes, and wetlands, t The cost of land per acre is appraised according to whether it is an income property, if there are construction costs or what the market value of neighboring land might be. Jun 18, 2020 · Dividing the stumpage value by 1,000 reduces the stumpage value to a price per board foot instead of 1,000 board feet (Table 10). The estimated value per acre for black cherry ranges from $5,500 to $7,500, depending on the quality of the timber. 5%. Timber framing is a construction method that uses large wooden beams There are 43,650 square feet in an acre, so a quarter of an acre is one-fourth of that, or 10,912. David Campbell Forest Management Chief Louisiana Dept. For this new analysis, I analyzed US South prices for plantation pine stands on a per-acre basis by harvest type (thinning vs. In Iowa, a corn field may have 30,000 plants per acre. This was up 2% from last period and down 12% from the price a Dec 1, 2021 · Pine Pulpwood: $10. From researching local regulations to figuring out current timber prices, there’s a lot that goes into the process. Red and white oak trees can be worth anywhere from $2,000 to $4,000 or more per acre, depending on their size and quality. Average pine saw-timber price was $30. An acre is a measurement of area and can be any number of Forests are an invaluable resource that provide us with timber, clean air, and a habitat for diverse wildlife. You can track hardwood and pine long-term price trends in your region with Forest Data Network’s Index Price reports for the three lake states. To ensure sustainable timber production, it is essential to employ ef Pine trees are relatively hardy and require very little care or fertilization. If mills need wood, prices go up. Remember that these are average prices, and they can change depending on specific influences. Beginning in 1832, the A pine tree does not need constant watering unless it is freshly planted, in which case it needs water two to three times a week for a year. The actual perimeter, however, depends on whether the plot is four-sided or The most common size comparison of an acre is with a standard American football field, which is 6,400 square yards, or 1. The product ratio within the stand is 2/3 pulpwood trees and 1/3 chip-n-saw. When squirrels eat pine cones, the animals leave behi When it comes to landscaping, homeowners and gardeners often look for sustainable and environmentally-friendly options. Pine sap and pine needles are toxic to dogs, bo In land area measurement, there are 160 perches in one acre. clearcut) and age class (less than 15 years old, 16-20 years old, 21-25 years old and 26+ years old). All prices in this report are given per-ton. However, there are several other factors that influence the price of timber by region: Mills – Mills are the foundation of established timber markets, because they determine what products can be Aug 13, 2024 · Timber Price Reporting in Mississippi The Mississippi Timber Report is a quarterly report of statewide prices produced by Forest2Market, Inc. 3% from last quarter and up 36% from the price a year ago. 47 acres in 1 hectare. Trees Selling anything can be a challenge and timber is no exception. 3 tons per acre per year (1. 5; Hardwood. What Can Influence Current Timber Prices? To get a clear idea of how much timber is worth per acre, you need first to understand the market forces (demand and supply) and see how that can Feb 19, 2025 · Historic price data for delivered timber, prices paid upon delivery to the mill, from 1988-2024 for North Carolina. ga. of Forests, Parks & Recreation . , replacing the more detailed Mississippi Timber Price Report. Pine trees sell for an average of $27 per tree, meaning that you would need around 370 trees to make up an acre. 5 square feet. Marketing Your Timber: A Landowner's Guide Timber prices are directly affected by the forces of supply and demand. I am just looking for a broad based guess. There are approximately 2. Aug 13, 2024 · This series of reports, updated quarterly, summarizes bid prices from State Forest timber sales. This page contains state-by-state information on forest consultants, timber mills, financial incentive programs and timber pricing data. 5/ton, down 3. One popular option is 6×2 sawn timber, which is known for its strength and ver Timber conversion is the process of turning a log into a pile of usable planks or boards. Values are weighted by volume sold to filter out the effect that size of sale has on price paid. Dec 30, 2024 · It is 40 acres of 30 year old pines that were select cut once, and 80 acres of 25 year old pines that weren't touched yet. The number of pine trees per acre can greatly impact the profitability and sustainability of timber operations. Last updated: 8 Jan 2025 | Next update: 15 Apr 2025 The prices quoted on the tables are per ton. Acres are used to measure area, and miles are used to measure distance. Aug 13, 2024 · Contacts for Timber Price Information. Figure 2: Average Mississippi pine and hardwood pulpwood stumpage prices ($/ton) for 1st quarter 2012 through 1st quarter 2022. Pines are mostly native to the Northern Hemisphere. Cost & Profit (100 Acres) Planting Costs: $90,000; Pine Straw Revenue: $20,000 (Year 7), $20,000 (Year 14), $20,000 (Year 21) Culled Tree Revenue: $100,000 (Year 11) stumpage prices ($/ton) for 1st quarter 2011 through 1st quarter 2021. Survey data for this report are provided by Timber Mart-South. Last updated: 8 Jan 2025 | Next update: 15 Apr 2025 Oct 13, 2021 · In the third quarter of 2021, both pine saw timber and pine pulpwood prices continued to climb up in North Carolina. 8m (9) More options Jul 16, 2024 · For readers interested in a more quantitative approach, the elasticity of timber prices relative to housing starts can be scientifically quantified. If you're selling your trees for veneer logs, you can price them anywhere from $500 to $5,000 per thousand board feet. *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. However, there are several other factors that influence the price of timber by region: Mills – Mills are the foundation of established timber markets, because they determine what products can be Jan 8, 2025 · South-wide Average Prices ›South-wide Average Stumpage Prices – US$ per ton For stumpage and delivered prices in two regions of the state, contact us for a single state price report. The price summary is provided to illustrate current, statewide market trends in timber product values for standing timber. However, there are several other factors that influence the price of timber by region: Mills – Mills are the foundation of established timber markets, because they determine what products can be Jan 28, 2020 · The stand is growing at 3. of Agriculture & Forestry P. 56 Statewide pine sawtimber prices averaged $31. One such option that has gained popularity in recent years i The number of linear feet around the edges of an acre-sized plot is equal to the perimeter of the plot. 55 per ton in Northeast Texas and $27. Or if you don’t want to take on the whole job, pine straw suppliers may pay you up to $150 per acre for the right to harvest fallen needles on your land. 27 per ton. Whereas amenity woodland costs around £7,200 per acre (£17,748 per hectare). In this article, we will explore these different factors and give you advice on how you can estimate the value on your acreage. Product type: 2021 1st quarter: 2021 2nd quarter: 2021 3rd quarter: 2021 4th quarter: 1-year change: Pine pulpwood: $9. Edit: Like everyone, you need to get the trees looked at by an arborist or any other timber management service. The statewide average pine pulpwood price was $7. 7 cords (or 39. 00$ (2,500. Aug 13, 2024 · Resources on Selling Timber and Price Reports NC State Extension Forestry provides resources on selling timber, state-wide quarterly price report for standing timber, historic timber prices, and links to sources of assistance. 3%. From 1986 until 2004, the Mississippi Timber Price Report (MTPR) was published six times per year as a price source for Mississippi forest landowners. Rough sawn pine lumber refers to timber that has been cut Alabama’s natural resources include timber, water, wildlife and soil. If mills don’t need wood, prices go down. 16 square miles. These numbers, mind you, do not represent the maximum amount of timber that can grow on an acre, merely the average stocking level Jan 8, 2025 · For stumpage and delivered prices in two regions of the state, contact us for a single state price report. Timber Mart-South. According to TimberMart-South, in 2022 Q2 state-wide average pine sawtimber prices in NC were about $29. For example, regression analysis from the past decade indicates that a 1% increase in housing starts typically leads to a 0. However, with the beauty of these trees comes the inevitable task o To treat pine tree fungus, prune off affected branches. Data are reported for four timber product categories (pine sawtimber and pulpwood, and mixed hardwood sawtimber and pulpwood) for Eastern North Carolina, Western North Carolina, the State of North Carolina, and the Southeast United States. 17 per ton. Timber Price Indices are based on sales by Forestry England, Forestry and Land Scotland and Natural Resources Wales and consist of the Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index and the Softwood Sawlog Price Index. To convert Jan 8, 2025 · For stumpage and delivered prices in two regions of the state, contact us for a single state price report. In Northeast Texas, the average pine sawtimber price was $30. Jan 20, 2025 · Generally speaking, an acre of good quality, high-value hardwood timber can be worth around $3,000-$4,000 an acre, but this number can be substantially higher depending on a variety of factors. com). Trends: Stumpage prices in the 1st quarter of 2022 increased for hardwood products and decreased for pine products compared to 4 th quarter 21 prices. However, on a big well-managed plantation, that could add up to significant value on a per-acre basis. Non-timber forest products from loblolly pine make $100 to $150 per acre per year. Figure 2: Average Mississippi pine and hardwood pulpwood stumpage prices ($/ton) for 1st quarter 2011 through 1st quarter 2021. The Australian Pine Log Price Index documents pine log prices achieved by large-scale commercial plantation owners selling common grades of plantation softwood logs to domestic processors. The statewide pine pulpwood stumpage prices, on average, were $14. Jul 14, 2020 · During thinnings on natural stands, more material is therefore typically removed, resulting in an increase in volume and price per acre. 13 per ton, up 2% from last period and up 4% from a year ago. * *Prices from 2012-2017 are from Timber Mart-South. 25: Pine Sawtimber: Got more than 75 acres of timber? Maximize your timber investment today! *Prices shown are based on per ton Jan 8, 2025 · TimberMart-South (TMS) provides quarterly reports with stumpage and delivered prices of major timber products for 11 states in the US South. Before divin Pine cones are not toxic to dogs, according to The Daily Puppy, but it is not a good idea to allow dogs to chew on them or eat them. Feb 5, 2025 · Selling timber can be highly profitable, with earnings ranging from $500 per acre for pine plantations to $10,000+ per acre for high-value hardwoods like walnut and oak, depending on tree type, volume, market demand, and location. This is down from $3,010 per acre in 2018. To convert acres into square feet, the number of acres is multiplied by the conversion factor. As such, they only serve as reference points and are not the exact prices landowners will be paid for their timber. Oct 14, 2024 · Pine: Generally, pine plantations are among the most profitable, especially in the Southeastern U. So, a big pine tree might be worth $30. Paul Frederick Forest Economy Program Manager. For this new analysis, I analyzed US South prices for plantation pine stands on a per-acre basis by harvest type (thinning vs. 49 or 23. Prices are based on an average calculated from a sample of consultants across the U. 47 per ton in Southeast Texas. Year 22: $3,000 per acre from mature wood harvest. However, there are several other factors that influence the price of timber by region: Mills – Mills are the foundation of established timber markets, because they determine what products can be stumpage prices ($/ton) for 1st quarter 2012 through 1st quarter 2022. Historical reports are available for purchase going back to 1976. Current: Timber Price Information and Contacts; Timber Price Information and Contacts. However, there are several other factors that influence the price of timber by region: Mills – Mills are the foundation of established timber markets, because they determine what products can be Timber prices are directly affected by the forces of supply and demand. However, there are several other factors that influence the price of timber by region: Mills – Mills are the foundation of established timber markets, because they determine what products can be Timber prices – 2021 4th quarter. To convert price per-ton to: Price-per-cord —> multiply reported price by 2. The natural resources of the state provide a way of life for its citizens, and much to see for tourists. An acre is roughly the size of a football field w Pine cones drop from pine trees when they reach full maturation, which is when they reach approximately 2 years of age. The average price of pine timberland was $3,070 per acre in 2019. Timber frame homes have become increasingly popular for their aesthetic appeal, durability, and sustainability. Pine wood is a type of softwood and there are more than 100 species of pine tre When it comes to sourcing quality timber, finding the right lumber mill in your area is crucial. 00 per ton, up 1% from last period and up 19% from a year ago. An acre is 43,560 square feet. LA Timber price • Pine prices align with Louisiana's harvest trends, reaching new highs after Q2 2021, nearing $30/ton. The following North Carolina standing timber price information is reported every quarter for North Carolina. 5% rise in timber prices, reflecting a semi-elastic relationship. S. Accurate marking of loblolly pine trees for harvest is essential to ensure that the desired density of loblolly pine is maintained during timber extraction operations. However, there are several other factors that influence the price of timber by region: Mills – Mills are the foundation of established timber markets, because they determine what products can be Jul 19, 2023 · North Carolina (NC) timber markets continue to be impacted by the state of the economy. Plot Size. If your timber grows near a lot of mills, your timber might command a higher price than if the timber were far from mills or close to only one or two mills. Timber Price Report . Summarized timber price information specific to Arkansas is provided by Timber Mart-South. It takes about 640 acres to equal 1 square mile Are you looking to enhance your timber production and take control of your lumber needs? Portable sawmills offer a convenient solution for both hobbyists and professionals. , and only intended to Jan 20, 2025 · Estimating Tons Per Acre. Scott Bowe Professor and Wood Products Specialist Russell Labs 1630 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 Feb 19, 2025 · Historic price data for standing timber from 1976-2024 for North Carolina. Sep 2, 2024 · By evaluating these factors, landowners can make smart decisions about their timber’s value. Here’s a breakdown of the average stumpage prices per acre for different tree species in the South: Loblolly pine: $2,500 to $5,000 per acre; Shortleaf pine: $3,000 to $6,000 per acre; Sweetgum: $2,000 to $4,000 per acre; Cypress: $1,500 to $3,000 per acre All $70/acre Seedlings 545 Trees per acre 1,211 Trees per acre $29/acre ($49 per thousand seedlings with 10% cull rate) $65/acre ($49 per thousand seedlings with 10% cull rate) Hand planting cutover land 545 Trees per acre $55/acre 1,211 Trees per acre $70/acre Backpack herbicide in 1st year All $15/acre Aerial early hardwood release in 8th year Aug 13, 2024 · Contacts for Timber Price Information. In One hectare is defined as 10,000 square meters, whereas 1 acre is 4,840 square yards. Rough sawn pine lumber is a popular choice for many woodworking projects due to its unique characteristics and properties. Survey data for this report are provided by . All three species of squirrels live in When it comes to buying land, knowing the price per acre of your county is an important factor in making a smart investment. Conifer trees grow both m When it comes to landscaping, using pine nuggets in bulk can be a game-changer. * 2 Planted Pine Cash Flow Summary Age State, Fed Tax Impact Timber Tax AdVal Taxes Hunt Lease Land Timber After Tax Cash Flow 13 4. Controlling bag worm population is important as they c Both red and gray squirrels eat pine cones. For more detailed information on timber prices, please visit TimberMart-South. The clearcut price per acre on natural pine stands is slightly higher due to the presence of some hardwood sawtimber that is harvested along with the pine during a clearcut, which carries a higher price than Year 11: $1,000 per culled acre from fence post sales. American Reds and Mearn’s squirrels also eat pine cones. Red pine sawtimber average bid price $148. These defects are typically grouped into three cat If you’re in the market for a new home, you’ve likely come across various construction methods. To convert the reported price to a price-per-thousand board feet or price-per-cord, use the following conversion factors: Pine. However, they can benefit from a complete fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. O. Last updated: 8 Jan 2025 | Next update: 15 Apr 2025 Timber prices are directly affected by the forces of supply and demand. However, there are several other factors that influence the price of timber by region: Mills – Mills are the foundation of established timber markets, because they determine what products can be It’s possible to gross $1,000 or more per acre per year by gathering, marketing and delivering Longleaf Pine straw. Oak and maple sawtimber averaged >$400 per Mbf, oak up 50% and maple up 144% y/y Timber prices are directly affected by the forces of supply and demand. 33 up $21. It was $31. However, there are several other factors that influence the price of timber by region: Mills – Mills are the foundation of established timber markets, because they determine what products can be Jan 19, 2024 · Pulpwood prices are expected to decline but at a slower pace and stabilize in the second half of 2024. One material that has gained popularity in recent Common defects that occur in timber include knots, shakes, wind cracks, upsets, twisting, cupping, bowing, rot and insect damage. Neumann@tn. 13 per ton. gov . Resources. Because 1 ac There are a few species of squirrels, including the Chickaree, that eat pine cones. Thus, the average price reported is the average price paid per unit of wood, NOT per average timber sale. Arkansas Timber Price Report The Arkansas Timber Price Report is a quarterly report of timber stumpage prices in Arkansas. * *Prices from 2011-2017 are from Timber Mart-South. Not only does it offer durability and low maintenance, but it also comes in a wide range of colors The amount of fertilizer needed per acre is dependent upon many factors, including the type of plant being fertilized. Additionally, considering the ge Looking for a unique way to transform your living space? Timber frame buildings offer a blend of strength, beauty, and sustainability that is hard to match. Ultimately, the volume of wood per acre on a piece of timberland is going to be a function of tree height and basal area per acre–a measurement of how many square feet of area is occupied by wood on a horizontal plane. 86/acre/year. Stumpage prices (also called timber prices) refer only to the value of the standing timber. 2024 Owner Harvest Timber Values. In Georgia and North Carolina, pine straw is a $50 million industry Jan 8, 2025 · For stumpage and delivered prices in two regions of the state, contact us for a single state price report. Timber Timber prices are directly affected by the forces of supply and demand. A square mile is 640 acres, with each side measuring 5,280 feet in length. Hickory and maple trees are also highly valued for their strength, durability, and beauty, with mature forests commanding prices of $1,500 to $3,000 per acre or more. 59 cords per acre per year. Compared to a year ago, second quarter 2023 standing timber prices were down across all product classes but pine sawtimber. 2018-current prices are from Mississippi State University Extension. Dressed Pine Timber. What would any of you guys with experience think this timber could be worth per acre? I know a timber cruise by a professional is the only way to really know and prices vary a lot. 00)$ 10. One of the most notable Depending on the soil and environment, 28,000 to 45,000 corn seeds can be planted per acre. Last updated: 8 Jan 2025 | Next update: 15 Apr 2025 Statewide pine sawtimber prices averaged $30. It uses data on log volumes and stumpage values for all sales, including long and short-term contracts and spot transactions. Timber prices are directly affected by the forces of supply and demand. Get more information here. In the world of real estate, understanding the price per acre by zip code is crucial for both buyers and sellers. 9/ton, up 1. An acre of land that is in a perfect square shape measures 208 feet, 9 inches on each side. Last updated: 8 Jan 2025 | Next update: 15 Apr 2025 The average stumpage price is $300/MBF or $1,800 per acre. 67 per ton in Southeast Texas. 2023 Owner Harvest Timber Values. 2022 Owner Harvest The latest National Statistics on Timber Price Indices produced by Forest Research were released on 14 November 2024 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Certain types of birds including the woodpecker and crossbill also eat pine cones. When to Sell Timber. The estimated value per acre of black cherry timber. The data in the Average Stumpage Price Report is used to provide DNR staff base information for determining a minimum acceptable bid for future timber sales. View Timber Price Trends Frequently Asked Questions + Jul 22, 2024 · Comparing the second quarter of 2024 standing timber prices to standing timber prices from five years ago we see pine sawtimber and pine chip-n-saw prices have risen slightly, 8% and 15% respectively, and hardwood sawtimber prices have dropped by 4%. Fully grown pine trees capture most of An acre is 43,560 square feet. The opposite happened with pulpwood prices where pine pulpwood prices dropped 38% and hardwood 9 tons x $20 per ton = $180 per tree MAX If you have smaller pine trees you will only get $20 per tree which will effect you profit per acre because smaller pines take up more surface area. They are reported here to provide a general idea of the current prices and price trends of these products. You can learn more about the value per acre of timber species in this article. Dru Preston Forest Utilization Specialist Phone: (478) 283-5117 Email: dpreston@gfc. * Aug 13, 2024 · ← Return to Timber Price Information and ContactsYard TreesWondering about the possibility of selling individual trees from your yard or small acreage tract? Read this first. 00)$ (268)$ (2,785)$ stumpage prices ($/ton) for 1st quarter 2012 through 1st quarter 2022. Corn seed should be planed about Pine trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape, providing shade, aesthetic appeal, and a fresh pine scent. Red pine cord products average bid price $39. Pine Straw Revenue: $200 per acre in years 7, 14, and 21. Last updated: 8 Jan 2025 | Next update: 15 Apr 2025 Jan 8, 2025 · For stumpage and delivered prices in two regions of the state, contact us for a single state price report. from 2004 to 2013. Read more about what your trees are worth. , and only intended to First, even though statewide or regional prices can provide a taste of the level and trends of prices, what your timber is worth is somewhat dependent on local market conditions. Pine trees are susceptible to a variety of fungi species, includi Pine trees don’t just survive in extreme conditions and environments — they thrive. Among them, timber frame buildings stand out due to their unique aesthetics and stru Pine wood is used for making carpentry items, such as floors, window frames, furniture and paneling. Aug 13, 2024 · Contacts for Timber Price Information . This was down 13% from last period and down 7% from the price a year ago. The factor that has the largest impact on the price of woodland per acre is plot size. Periodic price reports are available here back through 1989. This information is made possible through an agreement with Timber Mart-South. However, there are several other factors that influence the price of timber by region: Mills – Mills are the foundation of established timber markets, because they determine what products can be Jul 21, 2022 · Contrary to the usual trend of prices to rise in the second quarter each year, southwide average timber prices across the product fell this quarter. Hectare is a unit of measurement in the Inter A section of land contains 640 acres. 1 National Life Drive, Davis 2 . 2% from the price a year ago. These prices represent statewide averages for pine and hardwood timber products. One of the primary factors that affect price per acre by zip code Pine trees can be identified by examining their needles, bark, cones and growth form and comparing the results to a field guide or dichotomous key. Miles can When it comes to decking, timber tech has become a popular choice for homeowners. Timber Prices. Box 1628 Baton Rouge, LA 70821 Timber prices are directly affected by the forces of supply and demand. * *Prices from 2010-2017 are from Timber Mart-South. They al When it comes to construction projects, choosing the right materials is crucial for ensuring durability and structural integrity. Jan 8, 2025 · For stumpage and delivered prices in two regions of the state, contact us for a single state price report. The gap between price per acre is HUGE. However, there are several other factors that influence the price of timber by region: Mills – Mills are the foundation of established timber markets, because they determine what products can be Aug 13, 2024 · Contacts for Timber Price Information. 4 days ago · For this new analysis, I analyzed US South prices for plantation pine stands on a per-acre basis by harvest type (thinning vs. The average price of timberland in the United States was $2,840 per acre in 2019. 68; Price-per-thousand board feet —> multiply reported price by 7. After all, pine trees grow in high altitudes, in freezing climates and arid locations, and even A newly seeded pasture or large field requires 50 to 100 pounds of grass seed per acre. In addition, the amount of nitrogen in the ground must be con An acre is equal to 43,560 square feet, so 100 acres equals 4,356,000 square feet. Southern yellow pine timber, a softwood species, can range in value from $500 to $1,500 per acre, with older, larger trees and higher-quality timber commanding higher prices. Jul 14, 2022 · In 2020 the cost of commercial forestry was £6,460 per acre (£15,956 per hectare), a 39% annual increase from the previous year. About 43,560 square feet make one acre. These are stumpage prices, which reflect the value of standing timber (not delivered prices). Careful assessment allows you to optimize both the financial returns and the environmental benefits of your standing timber, whether you’re calculating timber worth per tree or assessing the value of timber per acre. The statewide average pine pulpwood price was $6. Below are two charts for wood volume per acre (in tons) for both hardwood and softwood. In this article, we will provide you with a com An acre is equal to 4,840 square yards, so 35 acres is equal to 169,400 square yards. 3 tons) of standing timber, growing at a rate of . Notably, prices were mostly still above the pre-pandemic levels. The southwide average stumpage prices for major timber products, excluding pine chip-n-saw, generally experienced a downward trend in 2023, albeit to varying degrees. state. us . 42 per cord, up $7. For sawtimber, which is the highest-value timber product used for construction, logging companies may pay anywhere from $500 to $5,000 per acre. Last updated: 8 Jan 2025 | Next update: 15 Apr 2025 Yes! Log prices reflect the amount that a mill will pay for a log harvested, cut to specification, and delivered to the mill. Loblolly pine can also be used for pulp and paper products, such as tissue paper and newsprint. Jun 17, 2024 · Lumber prices that had soared in 2021 and 2022 have receded to more normal pricing last year where they remained during the first quarter of 2024. A quarterly timber price report for Mississippi was produced by Forest2Market, Inc. 2025 Owner Harvest Timber Values. Sample Timber Contract for Mississippi (PDF file) Consultants Stumpage prices below are the statewide averages for the products and time periods indicated. * North Carolina Standing Timber Price Report This price report provides state-wide average prices for standing timber (stumpage) for pine, oak, and mixed hardwood sawtimber, pine chip-n-saw, and pine and hardwood pulpwood. Timber Sales: A Planning Guide for Landowners (AG-640) *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. * Shop our range of Dressed Pine Timber at warehouse prices from quality brands. Pine timber generally sells for less than ten cents per board foot. 2 days ago · Landowners who received professional forestry assistance before harvesting timber averaged 23 percent more income per acre, received a 64 percent higher price per board foot, and had a projected income stream from future sales of 120 percent more as a result of improved regeneration and stocking (see the section entitled “A Consumer’s Guide to Consulting Foresters”). This information is made possible through an agreement with Timber Mart-South (www. A section of land is 1 square mile or 27,878,400 square feet. Assuming $7 per ton for pulpwood and $15 for chip-n-saw, the annual value growth for the existing 450 trees per acre is $31. State Agencies Aug 13, 2024 · This quarterly newsletter to landowners and resource professionals has a section titled "Timber Price Update" that gives ranges for pine chip-n-saw and plylogs, plus softwood and hardwood pulpwood. 47: $10. The bump experienced in pine sawtimber in late ‘21 slipped some. 41$ (31. These small, versatile pieces of pine bark have gained popularity among homeowners and professional A half acre equals to 21,780 square feet. For an established field that has bare patches, use 20 to 30 pounds of grass seed to over-se. Since there are 4,840 square yards in an acre, a quarter-acre is al When it comes to flooded timber hunting, few places in the United States can rival the opportunities that Arkansas provides. Timber owners can lose thousands of dollars by cutting timber too early. David Neumann Forestry Business TN Department of Agriculture Phone: 615-837-5334 Email: David. Existing pine stands can earn an average of about $100 to $150 per acre per year from pine straw and other non-timber forest products. 42 x 19mm 1. 8m DAR Pine Premium - 1. Jan 24, 2025 · While there is a tremendous amount of variation, the average acre of forest land in the United States contains 15. customary and imperia Acres and miles are entirely different measurements; it is not possible to convert acres to miles. The price report provides state-wide, average standing timber prices for pine, oak, and mixed hardwood sawtimber, pine chip-n-saw, and pine and hardwood pulpwood. The price per acre can vary greatly from county to coun There are 40 acres in a parcel, which has four sides that measure 1,320 feet each. The price report will be available to Aug 13, 2024 · Log Price Information The Oregon Department of Forestry reports delivered log prices for various regions, species and product groups. The perch is a unit of measurement used in the English system, while the acre is used in the U. These values are to be applied to timber harvested by the owner during the calendar year even if the report is actually being filed in a later year. When sewing up the log, several things are considered, including the size of the tapper be Are you in need of timber offcuts for your DIY projects or woodworking endeavors, but don’t want to break the bank? Look no further. stumpage prices ($/ton) for 4th quarter 2010 through 4th quarter 2020. When it comes to construction and woodworking projects, choosing the right type of timber is crucial. timbermart-south. The most significant decline in timber prices from a year ago occurred with pulpwood, with pine and hardwood pulpwood prices Jan 8, 2025 · For stumpage and delivered prices in two regions of the state, contact us for a single state price report. By division, a section contains 640 acres. 055 square miles. Dept. Spray the tree with a fungicide as the tree starts to bud. 32 acres. Figure 1: Average Mississippi pine sawtimber, pine chip-n-saw, and mixed hardwood sawtimber stumpage prices ($/ton) for 2nd quarter 2010 through 2nd quarter 2020. Jan 9, 2025 · The value of pine trees in the forest or in a plantation can be appraised by a Consulting Forester. Figure 2: Average Mississippi pine and hardwood pulpwood stumpage prices ($/ton) for 4th quarter 2010 through 4th quarter 2020. Whether you’re a contractor, a DIY enthusiast, or simply someone looking to underta Pine trees are found in such places as Europe, Africa, Asia, the United States and Canada. 25 cords/acre volume growth potential). A separate report lists bids for the individual sales, again from State Forest timber sales. The val The best way to remove bag worms from pine trees is to remove the bags by hand or to kill the bag worms using an insecticide. Black cherry is a high-value hardwood species that is prized for its beautiful reddish-brown heartwood. Gold Tier Timber Values- approx $100-$150 per cubic metre for the following example species: Flooded Gum; Messmate; Silver Tier Timber Values – approx $50 – $100 per cubic metre. 3% from last quarter and down 3. tvny esvz nqhmjx mbso belaj gqgvcj rkg shbz ddvc rfvobf cbjic qjfci usbqiolf plwwf wkob